European Teacher Education Network (ETEN) in Limburg

ETEN hield van donderdag 25 april tot en met zaterdag 27 april 2013 hun jaarlijkse congres in Diepenbeek.
Het congres stond dit jaar in het teken van ‘Education designed for all’, waarbij ETEN2013 de deelnemers wil inspireren om in deze snel veranderende tijden een onderwijs op maat van allen te ontwerpen.
De Katholieke Hogeschool Limburg (KHLIM) was gastinstelling en hun departement Lerarenopleiding mede-organisator.

ETEN is een netwerk met 60 leden in 21 landen en is gesticht in 1988.
Het doel is een brede waaier aan mogelijkheden tot samenwerking, uitwisseling, onderzoek en publicatie te promoten voor universiteiten en hun instellingen, lokaal onderwijs en sociale beleidsmakers, en relevante verenigingen van onderwijzers en opvoeders. (1)

Op vrijdagavond 26 april 2013 werden alle deelnemers officieel ontvangen in de ambtswoning van gouverneur Herman Reynders, Lombaardstraat 25 in Hasselt.
Gedeputeerde Ludwig Vandenhove verving officieel de gouverneur.

“Er was een gezellige sfeer en de buitenlandse gasten waren enthousiast over de historische ambtswoning.”, zegt Ludwig Vandenhove.
“Zulke persoonlijke uitwisselingen dragen er sterk toe bij om elkaars onderwijsstelsels beter te leren kennen.”

Hieronder vindt u de korte toespraak van Ludwig Vandenhove.

“Ladies and Gentlemen
Dear Friends

It is a great honor four me, as deputy of the province of Limburg, to welcome you here in Limburg in the residence of Mister Governor Herman Reynders.
Mister Governor is excused because of a conference in Madrid.
I have seen on the list that there is one participant of Spain, so Herman is now in your country.

I have seen that you have a very serious program to follow. So that means that you officially don’t have much time to play tourist, to visit things, to taste the Belgium beers, and so on.
When I was several years in the Belgian parliament and as president of the committee of Defence I also made a lot of study visits in other countries. Even when the program was very serious en tough, we found the possibility to see everyday live.
I am sure that you have already seen some places en things in Hasselt or maybe that this is planned for this evening or tomorrow or on Sunday.

As I already said, you are discussing a lot of interesting items which are also very actual in Belgium, Flanders and Limburg.
That means that for some of you this conference can be the beginning of a long personal cooperation or a cooperation between yours institutes or schools.
In an even more European and international world it is important and even necessary to work together an d so mister governor and I as deputy find this a very important initiative.
It proves that our province of Limburg is international  and on the area of school, education and university becoming more and more important.
Just a few days ago for example, the governor and myself had the opportunity to welcome the famous American economist Jeremy Rifkin in this very same place.

I hope you had a pleasant and learning stay in Hasselt.
Always feel welcome here in Hasselt or Limburg.

I see that you are already enjoying the reception, offered by the province of Limburg.
If necessary, you can use the swimmingpool hidden in the garden to cool down later on… .”

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Zie onder andere ‘Engelse dag in Academiezaal’ van 1 februari 2013, ‘Oegandese gast op bezoek bij Ludwig Vandenhove’ van 10 maart 2013 en ‘Amerikaans econoom Jeremy Rifkin bezoekt Limburg’ van 23 april 2013 op deze website.
